Advanced Filters
Advanced Filters to Precisely Target Your Research.
Find your next video idea, title and thumbnail much faster saving you hours of research and accelerate your views!
Advanced Filters to Precisely Target Your Research.
Monitor outliers across all channels on YouTube.
Save your top thumbnail picks for later inspiration on your Vision Board.
Pinpoint Your Research by finding more videos around the outlier you liked.
Dive into a vast collection of 1M+ outliers for endless inspiration for your next idea, title and thumbnail.
Find your next idea, title and thumbnail in seconds by remixing any outliers on the platform!
Richard the Youtube strategist
These 2 inspirations at 20X+ outliers led to a now 27x+ outlier for this ChatGPT creator. Seeing the coding niche as a parallel niche to ChatGPT, we looked over what kind of videos performed well and saw that 1 hour long tutorials performed well and the creator had never done that.
The concept was decided but now came the title. Again, by scrolling around for inspirations, we saw that Beginner To Pro in the title led to a lot of 20x+ multipliers and was a good fit for this new topic for him. Combing those elements led to the 27x multiplier with 78K views you see today. The video above goes a bit more in-depth into this!
Richard the Youtube strategist
This is a great example of inspiring yourself from a random niche to come up with your own video idea! Olly has a language learning channel with 400K subscribers. By seeing a 20x outlier on a Navy Seal video on 1of10, it sparked the interest to do a video around military techniques and language learning using a split screen format. The thumbnail for X and checkmarks were also inspired from the 123Goschool video.
By combining elements from totally different inspirations, he ended up with a unique video with more potential to get more views. His final result was 6x outlier with 184K views. The key here is if you are continuously getting inspired by outperformers, you will find elements from different videos, could be very random ones as long as they are outliers, to then create your own unique spin.
Richard the Youtube strategist
He used 1of10 to identify outliers in niches with similar audiences, specifically those accustomed to 5v5 tactical shooters. This channel creates content for Rainbow Six Siege, so he focused on similar niches with audiences that have comparable viewing habits, like those of Counter-Strike and Valorant.
He discovered an outlier, from Anomaly that was 2x of 1.8 million views, meaning the average was around 900k. He ended up creating a similar video for Rainbow Six Siege, which became a 7.1x outlier, continuously gaining views every day and becoming the best video on this channel!
Choose a plan that fits your needs
Videos that over-performed relatively to the average views on the channel making those excellent inspirations for your next video since they have been proven to succeed regardless of the niche.
Simply enter a keyword or a niche, and you'll uncover outlier videos. You can then find similar videos to the ones that you like for even more inspiration. You can also bookmark the thumbnails on your personal vision board for constant inspiration, bounce around top outliers per niche and even play with the random outlier button for infinite inspiration.
Say you have no idea what video to make next. You can go on the tool and either bounce around niches or click on random outliers. What this will do is inspire you with ONLY data-backed ideas meaning that any of the videos you see has a good potential to be repackaged for your own channel, even if the inspiration is in a different niche. You can also write down keywords related to your channel to niche down the outliers.
No problem at all! If you find it's not to your liking, canceling is straightforward. You can do so directly through the app at any time, or simply drop us an email.