Published Wed Aug 14 2024

The Most Powerful Concept on YouTube: View Floors

View Floors are The MOST Powerful Concept on YouTube

This is the secret to making money on YouTube, turning it into a full-time career, and more. It's not ideation, banger thumbnails, or fancy edits. It's much more important...

The best part is that everyone can do it.

What I'm talking about is the concept of View Floors.

The view floor is the lower band of average views per video—the or "minimum" amount of views you can expect given a time frame. It’s the secret to;

  • Making money
  • Going full-time
  • Growth short term
  • Growth long term
  • Gaining Subs
  • Building a Brand
  • Increasing Viewer Equity

So how do you establish a view floor, and better yet, how do you grow one?

Establishing and Growing View Floors

The easiest way to establish and grow View Floors is to test content “buckets” and double down on working “buckets” while cutting the “buckets” that underperform.

What this does is create an addition-by-subtraction scenario. Where cutting underperformers always increases average views, therefore raising view floors.

But how do you get new buckets that get more views? You test and experiment. It’s that simple look at the biggest creators on earth; they all test and try new ideas. You can't go anywhere if you don’t constantly test and innovate.

Results of View Floors

The results of View Floors are what makes them the strongest concept on YouTube. The reason for this is it creates an unstoppable flywheel effect. Let me break it down below.

  • consistent views = consistent money
  • consistent money = building a team
  • building a team = more and better videos
  • more and better videos = more consistent views
  • Flywheel Activates

This is why every creator should focus on view floors, not view ceilings.

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