Published Fri Aug 30 2024

How to NEVER Make Bad Thumbnails Again

Brandon Voloch recently released a video that blew up, reaching 169 TIMES his usual views. The secret? A “1of10” thumbnail that checked all the right boxes.

Today, we’ll reveal what those boxes are:

1. The Glance Test ✅

The first key to Brandon’s success is what’s known as the “glance test.” When you scroll past Brandon's thumbnail, you’re more than likely drawn to it and can immediately understand it.

With so many videos and creators competing for attention, people decide in a split second whether to click or keep scrolling. Brandon’s thumbnail nailed this test by being simple yet powerful, making it impossible to ignore.

2. 3 Elements or Less ✅

You might have heard of the "3 elements or less" rule, but Brandon’s thumbnail is a great example of minimalism done right. It actually includes FOUR main elements:

  • The Airless Tire Bike
  • The Red Arrow
  • Text
  • His Face

While keeping things simple is important, Brandon's thumbnail shows that it’s not just about using as few elements as possible, it’s about choosing the right elements and using them effectively.

3. Title-Thumbnail Compatibility ✅

A good thumbnail is only part of the challenge, the title needs to work together with it to tell an interesting story that grabs the viewer's attention. Brandon’s video is titled “I Built an Airless Bike,” and the thumbnail perfectly complements this. Here’s how:

  • The Title: It clearly explains what the video is about, which is important for setting expectations.
  • The Thumbnail: It visually reinforces the title, showing the airless bike tire and text that reinforces it.

This connection between the title and thumbnail is essential for getting more clicks.

4. Optimizing for Dark Mode Users ✅

Did you know that about 80% of YouTube users browse in dark mode? Brandon did, and he used this knowledge to his advantage.

His thumbnail displays a strong contrast between light and dark elements, making it stand out even more in dark mode. Set against a dark background, it catches your eye right away. The text is bright and bold, making sure it's easy to read, even on smaller screens and in dark mode.

5. Taking Inspiration ✅

In an upcoming 1of10 podcast interview, Brandon revealed that he was inspired by Ryan Trahan’s popular series, specifically the “I Survived On $0.01 For 1 Week - Day 4” thumbnail. But Brandon didn’t just copy the idea, he adapted it to fit his unique content.

Ryan’s was straightforward, fun, and easy to understand. While the thumbnails are similar, Brandon added his own twist by aligning them with both the content and his brand.

You can find inspiration from other creators and boost your views by using the 1of10 app, available at

Thanks for reading till the end! 🎉 If you want to learn more about the 1of10 tool or download our free Chrome extension, visit the link in our bio or ask in the comments. ⬇️

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