Published Wed Sep 04 2024

Do's and Don’ts of Naming Your YouTube Channel

Choosing the perfect name for your YouTube channel is one of the most important steps when starting out. It's one of the first things your viewer sees and what they'll remember you by.

A great name can make your channel really stand out, help people find you, and even affect how seriously people take your content. But on the other hand, a bad channel name can do the opposite.

To help you pick the perfect channel name, here are five do’s and don’ts to guide you through the process!

1 - Do Make It Memorable

Your channel name should be something that sticks in your audience's mind.

Imagine someone stumbles on your video and likes it. A week later, the viewer tries to find your channel again, and they can't.

If your name is simple, catchy, and memorable, they’re more likely to remember it and find you again.

Think about the names of successful YouTubers like “MrBeast” or “PewDiePie.” Their names are short, catchy, and easy to spell. Not to mention stand out against other creators' names.

2 - Do Consider Your Audience

When naming your channel, think about who you're targeting with your content and what name would appeal to that specific audience.

For example, if you’re creating content for a younger audience, a fun name like “TheOdd1sOut” might be more appealing.

What these types of guides never tell you is that there's no one system fit's all when it comes to channel names. It highly depends on the niche you're looking to make content in.

Your channel name can be your company name, personal name, stage name, or something specific your niche will understand.

Channels in the entertainment, finance, or lifestyle niche usually use the creator's name and don't mention any keywords.

However, in niches like gaming, tech, and cooking, it's more important to include content-relevant words in your channel name.

3 - Do Keep It Relevant

Your channel name should give people a clue about what kind of content you make.

Now, you don't literally have to name your channel solely based on the content you make.

You should think of out of the box ways you can incorporate something to do with your niche or what you do.

A perfect example of this is Linus Tech Tips. It clearly tells the viewer that his channel is about tech tips from him.

4 - Do Research Other Channels

Just like you'd look for inspiration from channels in your niche when brainstorming video ideas, it's important to research your channel name, too.

Research channels in your niche to see what kind of names are being used.

If you notice that most channels in your niche have similar names, you can use this chance to come up with something completely different that stands out.

Researching other channels both gives you ideas on what to do and what not to do with your own channel.

ASAPScience uses "ASAP" to stand out from other channels in its niche while also telling you, the viewer, that the channel provides science-based videos as quickly as possible.

Doing research will also prevent you from slipping into do #5.

5 - Do Check Availability

Once you’ve decided on a name, it's incredibly important to check if that name isn't already taken.

Now, the channel name you have in mind is probably being used by someone else. The key is to make sure it's not taken by any big creators.

Start by searching YouTube to see if the name is already taken. Even if the name is available, check for any similar names.

For example, if MrLeast isn't literally taken, it doesn't make sense for me to use it because everyone will think I'm parodying MrBeast, of course.

So, now you know what to do when creating your channel name. However, knowing what not to do is just as important, so let's get into that.

1 - Don’t Use Numbers or Special Characters

Including numbers or special characters in your channel name can make it look a lot more complicated than necessary.

Special characters like underscores or hyphens can make it harder for people to search for your channel.

Numbers are fine if they're part of your brand name (cough cough 1of10). But if you're adding them to "look cool" or "be different," there are better paths to take.

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