Published Wed Aug 14 2024

$$$ Million Dollar YouTube Strategy $$$

This is a MILLION Dollar YouTube Strategy

This strategy is the Branded Thumbnails strategy, making creators MILLIONS of Dollars.

This strategy revolves around one core concept and that core concept is branded thumbnails. These are thumbnails that have the same style and consistency throughout.

This consistency is incredibly important as it helps increase returning viewers and quickly builds viewer equity. If you don’t know what viewer equity is, it’s the association a viewer has with a creator. The more positive their association, the better their viewer equity.

Branded thumbnails make it incredibly easy for viewers to identify the creator and return, increasing viewer equity.

The most significant advantage of branded thumbnails is that they don't compete against others. Their only goal is to compete against themselves. By competing against themselves, you, as a creator, are focused on ways to keep viewers coming back.

By doing this, you start to build a snowball effect, where you continuously grow your base and increase it.

I also know this works because I have done it twice…

I’m not saying everyone should do it, but everyone should at least give it some thought as to if it could make sense.

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